Que Significa as per Agreement

If you`ve ever come across the phrase “as per agreement,” you may be wondering what it means. “As per agreement” is a term commonly used in legal and business documents to indicate that the terms of an agreement have been followed.

In simpler terms, “as per agreement” means that something has been done in accordance with what has been previously agreed upon between parties. This phrase often appears in contracts, agreements, and other legal documents to ensure that all parties are on the same page and that the terms of the agreement are being met.

For example, let`s say two companies have signed a contract to work together on a project. The contract may include specific deadlines, deliverables, and payment terms. If one company completes their portion of the project as outlined in the contract and is ready to receive payment, they may include the statement “as per agreement” in an email or invoice to indicate that they have fulfilled their obligations according to the terms of the contract.

Using “as per agreement” can help avoid misunderstandings or disputes between parties, as it serves as a clear indicator that both parties agreed to specific terms and those terms have been met. It is important to note that this phrase should only be used if both parties have agreed to the terms and that those terms have been met.

In conclusion, “as per agreement” is a phrase used to indicate that something has been done in accordance with a previously agreed-upon agreement. It is commonly used in legal and business documents to ensure that all parties are on the same page and that the terms of the agreement are being met. Whether you are drafting a contract or reviewing one, understanding this phrase is key to ensuring a successful outcome for all parties involved.